Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Twilight-Eclipse: Book by book comments

I absolutely loved Eclipse. The love triangle comes to life in many ways. There is a lot happening in this one, and a lot that is more behind the scenes that we aren't even aware of. Jacob still thinks he has chance with Bella and really tries his hardest to make her see that. I see it as being very childish myself. he is practically begging her to leave Edward. We all know she is destined to be with Edward and I hate that she keeps hurting him. The emotional side of this book is my favourite, for when she finally decides to tell Jacob once and for all that she has chosen Edward, I just want to curl up and cry with her. I feel for Jacob, I really do but wish he would just take a hint. I hate the part where he tells her he will commit suicide during the fight with the Newborn Army. I think that was his lowest point in the whole series, for he knew she didn't want him to die and that she did love him to some degree. To use that just to get her to kiss him, without fear of repercussion from her or Edward was just mean. Didn't her realise how much pain that would put her in? Edward always thinks about how things would make her feel and to me that is what a real man should do. Although saying all that Bella seems to think that she can have her cake and eat it, but why should she? She knows she hurts them both but keeps playing them like pawns. I think that part of the story is awful, she is being an a bad girlfriend and a lousy friend as well. I loved the proposal and the thoughts that were going through her mind before she answered, it shows that she does like the idea of marrying him against all her inner voices she just needs to remember that fact. How happy Edward is when she finally agrees makes my heart skip a beat, I love it!

Will write a better review soon, have a lot of catching up to do at the moment lol x

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A little slow on the uptake, but a recent massive fan of all things Twilight!
