Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Twilight Midnight Sun: Book by book Comments

I loved this book!!!!! To me it was the best in the series, and it's neither complete or a proper part of the series yet lol
I loved hearing the Twilight book from Edwards point of view. It gives a whole new perspective on why he acted the way he did throughout the story. There was so much in it that we were unaware of in Twilight, as it was all in Bella's point of view. I loved hearing the things that he would hear when at school, and how frustrating it was not to be able to hear Bella. The confusion and need for her blood that drove him out of his town. You could feel everything that he felt, and really understand that he was not really trying to be bossy and overbearing, he really was just trying to keep her safe as he loved her more than anything in the world The descriptions were all done well because he had so much more information on everything that was going on. I loved the fact that he couldn't read Charlie's mind as well as other humans, that it was all a bit fuzzy for him. It shows us where Bella gets her shielding from, at least to some degree.
I really hope Stephenie Meyer finishes this one soon, as I really can't wait to see how the rest of Twilight through Edwards eyes plays out.
If I am honest I would love to read all the series from Edwards point of view, I think it would give everyone a massive insight into Edward and why he is the way he is. Sometimes overbearing, overprotective, controlling, chivalrous etc. I think it would be really interesting and to be honest better than all from Bella's point of view. Edward has been there done it drank the blood etc and I think he has a lot more to tell, and I for one would be most willing to read it. :)

I will review this better soon, still catching up on loads. Please bear with me. Thanks x

Twilight Breaking Dawn: Book by book Comments

Well what to say about Breaking Dawn, first off it was bloody long! I think in this book there was a lot of info that wasn't necessarily needed or wanted. The first chapter almost made me stop there, it was so boring and she could have slipped in almost any other chapter the fact that she had this super strong, tank can't wreck it car, we didn't need page after page about it lol
As for the rest of the story, I enjoyed it immensely. I loved the wedding, it brought me to tears. There was so much love at that ceremony, and not just from Edward and Bella, but from both sides of their families. Everyone was so excited, and Bella was so nervous but ready and sure about marrying Edward, and that is what it is all about. I loved Charlie's sincerity in the book, he was there for her all the way through and promised he would be no matter what, who knew just how hard a promise that would be to keep. I am a little unsure of the whole half-vampire half-human child though, as it doesn't really keep with the whole no bodily fluids concept that was kept throughout the series. I am extremely happy that they were able to have a proper honeymoon and have some time alone with no distractions. Isle Esme seems like a wonderful and beautiful island that I would love to visit someday. :)
Bella shows a brilliant strength once she realises that she is pregnant and considering she never really thought of being a mother or having kids, the fact that she is literally prepared to die for her unborn child is so maternal and heartbreaking that you just can't fault her. I hate that once again she is hurting not only Edward and Jacob now but the whole family including Charlie who is totally unaware what is going on and thinks she is deathly ill but unable to see her to at least say goodbye. The fact he is willing to see her even if she is contagious just goes to show how close they have come over the years, and how much he loves her, it hurt my heart for him.
I was very happy when Bella finally became a vampire, but I must admit I think the fact that she had next to no newborn trouble at all, was a bit out of sorts. I mean the whole way through the series we are told newborns are terrible and unable to control their thirst or thoughts. But Bella, of course just walks right in and without a care in the world bypasses the whole newborn stage in a day, sorry I don't buy that. Superhuman self control or not, I think we were left a little duped by that. I wanted to see a bit if wild Bella, trying to suppress her thirst and behaviour. I was glad that she was able to see Renesmee right away though. Especially with the rate of growth she had, if she had been a normal newborn she would have lost a lot of time with her. That is until they discover that she will live a long life. I was very sad when Alice and Jasper left. I kept trying to come up with a reason as to why they would abandon the family, especially at a time like that, and sadly I had the right answer in my head. My joy when they came back, and with help to stop the Volturi advance was in abundance. I was chuffed, as I knew they wouldn't leave them all to die, but the fact that Bella thought they would, really annoyed me.
Now the imprinting of Renesmee and Jacob...I honestly have to say that I am still not sure about that part. I understand that the relationship starts out brotherly and then progresses to friendly and then once she is older into lovers, but the thought of imprinting on a baby, still kinda makes me shudder. I am glad Renesmee had someone to look after her, who would put his life on the line no matter what, and any time that it's needed without a second thought, and will stay with her forever, but in theory she had that with the whole family and their friends in the end. They all were willing to fight for her, and to make sure she was safe. I don't know it's just a bit strange, but I can handle it :)
The drawback to the book was that there was no fight scene. I was actually kind of hoping there would be, at least a small one. The fact that they just stand there and have a chat, whilst Bella shields everything was a bit blah, but I loved the feeling of support that surrounded them from all sides.
I was so happy at the end though when they finally got their happy ending. Their forever, at least for now, has started. Who knows what will happen in the future. Maybe Stephenie Meyer will decide to write a follow up series, maybe focusing on the Wolves, or Renesmee and Jacobs story. I for one would read every single one of them. So in case you are reading this SM ...start writing. :)

I will write a better review soon, still lots to catch up on but I will do it soon. x

Twilight-Eclipse: Book by book comments

I absolutely loved Eclipse. The love triangle comes to life in many ways. There is a lot happening in this one, and a lot that is more behind the scenes that we aren't even aware of. Jacob still thinks he has chance with Bella and really tries his hardest to make her see that. I see it as being very childish myself. he is practically begging her to leave Edward. We all know she is destined to be with Edward and I hate that she keeps hurting him. The emotional side of this book is my favourite, for when she finally decides to tell Jacob once and for all that she has chosen Edward, I just want to curl up and cry with her. I feel for Jacob, I really do but wish he would just take a hint. I hate the part where he tells her he will commit suicide during the fight with the Newborn Army. I think that was his lowest point in the whole series, for he knew she didn't want him to die and that she did love him to some degree. To use that just to get her to kiss him, without fear of repercussion from her or Edward was just mean. Didn't her realise how much pain that would put her in? Edward always thinks about how things would make her feel and to me that is what a real man should do. Although saying all that Bella seems to think that she can have her cake and eat it, but why should she? She knows she hurts them both but keeps playing them like pawns. I think that part of the story is awful, she is being an a bad girlfriend and a lousy friend as well. I loved the proposal and the thoughts that were going through her mind before she answered, it shows that she does like the idea of marrying him against all her inner voices she just needs to remember that fact. How happy Edward is when she finally agrees makes my heart skip a beat, I love it!

Will write a better review soon, have a lot of catching up to do at the moment lol x

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A little slow on the uptake, but a recent massive fan of all things Twilight!
