Thursday, September 15, 2011

Complete submersion into the fantasy world

So i started reading Twilight, as you do, and at first i was just impressed with the way Stephenie wrote. The amazing amount of detail however remote and the depth of emotion displayed on the pages had me mesmerized. I could actually picture the scene, and see myself there. Which i must say was a little surprising to me, as i have no imagination and usually i just read a book to read it and hope to enjoy. This felt different from just the first chapter. I was so engrossed in every word, that i actually would zone right out. Now normally that wouldn't really be a big deal, but with it being the summer holidays and having a 10 year old and a 3 year old running around all day,it was hard to focus, but  i couldn't put it down and i managed to finish Twilight in under 2 days. Now if you ask me, i would say that i did put it down a few minutes at a time, but if you ask my oldest i am sure she would start with the words slightly neglected lol Don't get me wrong i fed them and made sure they had clean clothes and we played outdoors etc, but i have to admit the housework got a bit left behind. I managed to finish all 4 books, including the movie companions in just under a week. I was very impressed with myself, but then i realised that whilst i had fed the kids within the days of that week, i had forgotten to eat anything. I think i smoked more fags in that week than i would normally smoke in a month but at the time i had no idea. My daughter would talk to me and she would have to call me about 10 times to actually get my attention, luckily she has a good sense of humour and just called me obsessed and laughed, but i do feel a bit guilty about that.The thing that makes me laugh and sadly, kind of shows just how absorbed i was, was the fact that by the time i had read breaking dawn i actually called my son Edward a few times...when his name isn't even close lol Luckily, again he didn't seem to notice but still made me and my daughter laugh.  

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A little slow on the uptake, but a recent massive fan of all things Twilight!
