Thursday, October 27, 2011

Twilight: Book by book Comments

Hi again, been away a while, but thought I would come on and start from the beginning. Here are my thoughts on each book separately, starting with Twilight. After having read the book for the 5th time I have come to a few random conclusions and opinions. Some of them have been there from the start and some are fairly new.
So my main issue with the book is (please remember I absolutely love Edward and think he is amazing) how nasty Edward is towards Bella. Don't get me wrong I totally get his attitude and how completely new the whole being in love for the first time is etc but he can be quite an ass to her and needed a little smack, and even though Bella thinks about his upsetting mood swings she only mentions it out loud a few times, now most people especially a teenage girl would or at the very least should speak up and demand some respect, although that is just me and I always had a bit of a big mouth and quick annoyance fuse even with my first love. Bella also really gets on my nerves at first. I think by the time i had actually read all the books over and over i got a new perspective on her, but that first reading made me really dislike her lol She was so whiny...and then her whole life revolved around Edward like she was being controlled. It drove me mad, but as the series progressed i could totally see me in her shoes and i think, under the circumstances i would probably reacted pretty much the same. The one thing i did like about Bella from the start, was her attitude about herself. She didn't claim to be the athletic, gorgeous girl meant to be draped over the arm of Adonis, but the fact that she felt not good enough for him. Which almost everyone has probably felt at some point in a beginning relationship. The thing that annoyed me though, was the constant reassurances from Edward, that she seemed to have needed to get through the day. I have of course, changed my mind on a few things, and i absolutely love the book, and the fact that a plain jane, ordinary girl could land the super hot, angel/Adonis of all our dreams. :) There is hope for us all Ladies!

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A little slow on the uptake, but a recent massive fan of all things Twilight!
