Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A quick glimpse into the last year Beg with ET8

Well where to begin! It has been a long time since I have been on, and for that I apologise. Things have been hectic over the year. We moved and have done a few things twilight related which definitely takes up a lot of time and energy. So first things first, after the Breaking Dawn pt 1 premiere we had already started planning for the next years premiere. Before that though, we went to our very first Twilight Convention, ET8 in Birmingham England! It was an absolutely brilliant weekend lasting for a whole weekend. My daughter, my son and I all went and got to meet a few of the stars from the films. 
 The guests that weekend were: Gil Birmingham, Peter Facinelli, Alex Meraz, Tyson Houseman, Kiowa Gordon, Daniel Cudmore, and Justin Chon. Having not met many celebs before I was a lot nervous. I was going basically alone to a hotel full of people (not my strong suit to begin with) not having any idea what I was doing, or was supposed to do lol Talk about terrifying. Luckily the kids were with me so they helped to break ice and get me through the nerves of meeting people. 
Friday we arrived and once we got settled into the hotel we had a little wander around getting the feel for the place, we got our tickets for the convention and then went to get ready for the Opening Ceremony. We went to the ceremony where we caught a glimpse of the stars, and heard a few words about the weekend and what it would entail. The schedule was crazy with so many people and so many guests. We wouldn't have much time to do anything, much to my daughter's disappointment as she wanted to go swimming. The party that evening was wonderful. My son, 4 at the time played and danced and made some friends, he had a great night, and actually lasted longer than I thought he would. A few of the celebs came to the party that night and we said hi to a few of them. 
The following day, Saturday was a bit hectic, we had photo shoots with the stars as well as autograph sessions. We were non stop almost all day, but all the guests were very sweet and treated everyone with respect and kindness. My son played under Alex Meraz's table, he wouldn't leave, Alex just laughed and said "He must be smelling my chocolate" as he held up a bag full of chocolate lol We talked to Gil Birmingham he shook my hand and gave us all hugs, he was a truly wonderful friendly man. Peter was very tired after a long flight, but he was very sweet and friendly, and told my daughter that she was very sweet and cute. The party that night was a good one again. Kids lasted longer than i thought they would and I got my picture taken with Tyson Houseman, he was very sweet. The kids were fascinated with Peter Facinelli and everytime he saw them he smiled at them, which made their day lol. x Somehow throughout the day, Gil got a bit attached to my son, which was great as far as my son was concerned. Everytime Gil saw him, he would call him by name and say hi and have a little chat. When he went in to get his photo taken with him Gil turned to him and said "A**** I was wondering when you were going to come see me" it was so sweet and my boy loved it, if I didn't know any better I swear he kinda fan-girled lol If we saw him outside he always made it a point to say hi to both the kids, and we even had a nice conversation with his lovely girlfriend Kimberley. 
My daughter on the other hand, ended up having a blast with Peter. She ran into him in the hallway, she was trying to sneak up on him and say hi, but he came around the corner and surprised her so she bumped right into him, which worked in the end as he asked her if she wanted a picture, to which she replied with a hearty YES! It was a fantastic weekend, and we all had a lot of fun, especially my son. Even to this day he gets very excited and mentions "Gil in the black shirt" he adores him to no end. He loves seeing him on tv and tells everyone he met him lol He even asked for him for christmas, well for him to come and visit him at least, it was very cute :) All in all, it was a brilliant weekend and we all had a wicked time, and we couldn't wait to go to the next one. Will update more on the rest of our time soon :) x

Petition to have an ET10!

Petition for Massive Events to have an ET10! Sign and share please x

Please sign and share all you can, and let the Massive Events crew know how much we support and love them, and how many are hoping with everything we have that there will be an ET10! Thank you x

About Me

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A little slow on the uptake, but a recent massive fan of all things Twilight!
