Sunday, February 19, 2012

Twilight-New Moon: Book by book comments

This has always been one of my favourites in the series. Although i did say in my earlier post that i liked it when Edward left just because it took a bit of my jealousy away, so not sure if that has anything to do with it lol
I loved the depth of the emotion that seeped through almost every page. The amount of details describing the pain that Bella went through and the pain she felt she was putting Jacob through really makes you live through it yourself. You can totally imagine the hole in her chest, and feel the aching around the edges and feel the agony of having to try and hold yourself together. If you are like me, you may have at some point, felt the same ache and longing for someone. The pain and loneliness that surrounds her in the first few months before becoming reacquainted with Jacob, is reminiscent to the few times that i myself have had my heart broken. It hurts reading her pain, having lived through it. You can totally appreciate where she is coming from and why she would be willing to risk her life just to hear his voice.
I love the way that Jacob helps to take away the pain, and make her smile and feel like living again. He is an amazing friend, and although he would like more, he tries really hard to make her happy and be there for her in whatever way she needs. We could all use a guy like that lol
I love how after the realisation that he is also different, she doesn't care, she still just sees him as her best friend Jacob and becomes very close with his family and friends. Her dad, Charlie loves the Black family and sees Bella getting better and healing and is very happy she has Jacob in her life to help her.
When she decides to tempt fate and jumps off the cliff, her life takes a surprising turn...for the better...or worse if you are Team Jacob or me and jealous lol....She rushes to Italy to save Edward from the Volturi and once back home resume the relationship as if nothing happened and they become stronger than ever. Much to mine and Jacob's dismay lol The only thing that i don't really like, is the way that Bella starts treating Jacob once Edward comes back and in a sense the way Jacob treats Bella as well. It is nice seeing Charlie take a more fatherly role once Edward comes back.
Although the rivalry that ensues once Edward returns, is a lovely stepping stone leading to the brilliant Eclipse :)
So i have been off here for a little while, and decided to catch you up on my twilight related escapades. On 15th November me and my daughter who was 10 at the time, spent the night camping, without a tent, outside a shopping mall in Westfield London. No we aren't homeless (at least not yet lol) we were waiting in line to see the Breaking Dawn Part 1 premiere and the Red carpet with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner, plus a few other celebs. We managed to get right up against the barrier and had first class access to them all coming down the carpet. They all looked absolutely stunning albeit a little cold. I felt really bad for Kristen, she was wearing a gorgeous black dress with little skinny straps and a pair of lovely shoes...nothing else. She must have been freezing, but her smile never faltered and she signed as many autographs as possible before being ushered inside. Sadly she was unable to take many pictures but my daughter got her autograph and she said hi to me and told me she hadn't seen one of the pics i handed her and that she loved my other one :) Robert, ah Robert he looked sexy as always...and his smile was plastered in place the whole time he was outside, he looked amazing and treated as many fans as possible to pics and autographs. I have to admit, i missed getting his autograph as a lady ( i use the term loosely) stole my daughters spot up front so i gave her mine....much to my sadness as Rob was my whole reason for going ( it was my birthday and what better present than meeting Rob) but Rob being the gentleman that he is signed my daughters book with a big smile, and when she handed it to him again and asked him to sign it ( with his original autograph on the other side) he just smiled and winked at her and signed it again...after which she promptly took the page out and gave it to me ( it now sits in a frame on a wall with my other twilight items but definitely has Pride of Place ) I will post a picture of it, it has the light red circle around it :) My daughter is Team Jacob--I know, I know she must have been switched at birth lol, but her whole reason for going was Taylor so she was so excited when he showed up looking very sexy with a bit of stubble, she was squealing lol Although I had to admit that although i am Team Edward all the way, Taylor did look very dashing and was so sweet to everyone around him, constant smiles and laughter and as many pics and autographs as he could do. He commented that he really liked my pic,  my daughter was extremely happy that he came our way, and shouted his name over and over...he smiled at her gave her an autograph and stopped to allow a picture, he was so sweet he actually stood there for about a full minute whilst i tried to get the camera to stop shaking (some from my nerves and some from people bumping me lol) when i finally got it steady he smiled (well truthfully the smile never left) and allowed me to take 2 as the first one messed up again haha. My daughter was ecstatic, her smile was so big i thought she might freeze that way. Then she got another celebrity autograph that made her change her music tastes ( and all for the better) Pixie Lott was across from our barrier, and my kid didn't stop screaming until she came over to our side, and whilst she originally walked by with a huge smile, our friend took my daughters' book and practically shoved it in her face all the while my daughter is yelling at Pixie to Please sign her book, so Pixie looked back, gave her a huge smile signed it and handed it back to her. My daughter was made up! She got a few more autographs from some minor characters, as did i, I did manage to get Jamie Campbell-Bowerys autograph.He was very sweet, big smiles and commented on my photo :) yay me a few comments on my pictures and got to see some amazing and down to earth people. It was the absolute best birthday ever, and so worth sleeping in the cold. Only way to top it, is this year when we do it all again and i actually get my pic with Rob and his autograph, that would make my Twilight obsession so worth it! If i didn't love Twilight and the stars before, i definitely do now!!!!!!!!!

About Me

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A little slow on the uptake, but a recent massive fan of all things Twilight!
